Category: NEWS
Podcasts for the audio audience
If listening to podcasts is your thing, then SAFER behind the wheel has exactly that for you. The project website page MEDIA has a growing collection of podcasts with stories of traffic accidents. An example for you: Stay tuned as we are gradually populating our podcasts database.
“Night without accidents” in Chalkida, Greece
Related to the topic of the SAFER behind the wheel Erasmus+ project, RSI “Panos Mylonas” (Ινστιτούτο Οδικής Ασφάλειας – ΙΟΑΣ «Πάνος Μυλωνάς»), which is one of the partners of the project, conducted, for 16th year in a row, the action «Night Without Accidents» in Chalkida on Saturday 27th of July 2024 with the dynamic presence…
Another mini workshop conducted at Sofia Vocational School in Electronics “John Atanasov”
On 20 June 2024, a work shop on road safety was conducted at SPGE “John Atanasov” in Sofia with the participation of 14 11th graders and their teacher Mr. Veni Raykovski. The attendees were really interested in the topic and in the presented information and practical activities. We would like to thank the headmaster and…
Mini workshop conducted at Vocational school in electronics and electro technique “M. V. Lomonosov”, Gorna Oryahovitsa
On 11 June 2024, a work shop on road safety was conducted at a vocational school in Gorna Oryahovitsa with about 10 participating students and a few teachers. The attendees were really interested in the topic and in the presented information and would have spent a much longer period with us if their agenda allowed…
A workshop conducted with driving school “Dayana 2004” Gorna Oryahovitsa
On 10 June 2024, approximately 15 future drivers from the region of Gorna Oryahovitsa, Bulgaria attended a workshop, which gave them knowledge and understanding of risks on the road and good driving practices. They had the opportunity to test alco goggles simulating 1.5 promils of alcohol in the blood and played a game for testing…
A SAFER team training event in Celje, Slovenia
The SAFER behind the wheel project team gathered for five days of peer training in Slovenia. It was hosted by our partner Zavod VOZIM, who offered their excellent hospitality and good practices in the field of road safety. The agenda included workshops, which partners provided to each other to share practices and experiences. We had the opportunity also…
SAFER is on Facebook!
The project Facebook is up and running. Check it out and follow for prompt news and updates.
SAFER project online meeting
SAFER team members gathered for an online meeting on 19 Feb 2024, talking about target groups involvement, the training programme, which is in progress and the forthcoming training event in Slovenia. We are ready with the transnational report on the survey among youth workers / car crash survivors and young drivers. You can find the…
The SAFER project started!
Welcome to the SAFER project. Contact us if you are interested in safer driving practices and preventing driving under the influence. Let’s change mentalities together!