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SAFER brochure in English, SAFER brochure in Bulgarian, SAFER brochure in Slovenian, SAFER brochure in Greek
Further down you can watch car crash story videos and/or listen to podcasts. The image files, accompanying the videos are screenshots from the videos themselves, while the image files, accompanying the podcasts are a creative commons license files, used for non-profit purposes within the framework of this initiative.
The disclaimer “Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.” applies to all project results, presented herewith.
The YouTube channel is growing already! Videos about traffic accident stories are being published regularly! Here comes the growing gallery.
The story of Iliana and Manol Arnautski. Told by Manol.
A fast driver on the highway blocks the way of the vehicle, in which the family is traveling.
Anita’s story.
An ambassador of Zavod Vozim, who survived crashing after driving under the influence.
The story of Lidiya, Nikolay, Petya & Viktor
An entire family, who lost their lives in a tragic car accident.
Mariya’s story
The story of a young girl, killed in a car crash caused by an unlicensed driver.
Alexander’s story
The story of a young boy, killed in a crash, caused by a maneuvering truck driver.
Listen to the story of a family, experiencing a severe crash on a highway, while riding in the car of their best man, driven by the best man’s wife.
Bulgaria, 2013
Listen to Plamen’s story, who was hit on a zebra crossing by a distracted driver in Veliko Tarnovo.
Bulgaria, 2015
Listen to Stanimir’s story, who was hit head-on by another vehicle, while returning to Sofia in his car.
Bulgaria, 2015
Listen to the story of a teenage girl, who died in a severe car crash, caused by drunk driving.
Bulgaria, 1998
Listen to the story of a pedestrian, hit by a driver, who lost control of his vehicle on an icy road.
Bulgaria, 2009
Listen to the story of a 17 year old Slovenian girl, who suffered a life-threatening crash with her scooter.
Listen to this podcast about Vasko, who died at the age of 22, due to a reckless driver.
Bulgaria, 2020
Listen to Anastasia’s story, who crashes after a night out with friends involving drinking.
Greece, 2023
Listen to Kate’s story, a driver, who participated in a crash, caused by a passenger in her car.
Hear the story of Alex, a motorcyclist, whose right-of-way at an intersection is taken by a car, and the aftermath of the crash.
Greece, 2015