The SAFER behind the wheel project team gathered for five days of peer training in Slovenia. It was hosted by our partner Zavod VOZIM, who offered their excellent hospitality and good practices in the field of road safety. The agenda included workshops, which partners provided to each other to share practices and experiences. We had the opportunity also to meet and hear the stories of two car crash survivors. The first one, Barbara, presented her content and approach to organizing workshops for young people in the office in Celje, while Katarina spoke about her accident and life during a system action in Črnomelj. An e-scooter simulator and reactions/distraction activities added to the experience. We are back home with a clear idea about the training programme and the forthcoming activities under the project, inspired and enriched by the experience in Slovenia. We look forward to our next meeting in October 2024 in Athens during the European night without accidents where our hosts are going to be Ινστιτούτο Οδικής Ασφάλειας – ΙΟΑΣ «Πάνος Μυλωνάς».