On November 29, 2024, the ZAT LTd. team (www.zatbg.org) visited VET school “Asen Zlatarov”, Vidin and held two workshops on road safety with high school students in connection with the implementation of the Erasmus+ project SAFER.
The first group included students from grades 11G and 12B, who received information about road risks and tips for safe driving and travel planning, supported by real stories of victims of road accidents interviewed by the project. At the end of the first workshop, the group had the opportunity to test alco goggles simulating 1.5 per mille of alcohol in the blood. The second workshop was held in the conference room in the school center for excellence and was attended by students from two eleventh grades. They went through the same agenda as their peers, but in addition they had the opportunity to watch the film “The Moment is Not Just One”.
The assessment of the young people and the teachers who were present was positive. The information, presented in such an interesting way, proved to be very useful for the students. Follow the project website for more information and access to the training program, which will be shared by the end of the year, as well as the project’s YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/@safererasmusplus)
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